Lately I’m fascinated with ElasticSearch, and I’d like to start indexing / analyzing the content I’ve built up in my gratefulness journal ( in the many years I’ve been using it. I decided this would be a good excuse to get familiar with Docker at the same time.

After familiarizing myself with the basics of Docker, I found a project called dockerfile/elasticsearch, a nice image that runs ElasticSearch with an EC2 discovery plugin enabled.

There was one thing small thing missing that I love to have in ElasticSearch: the Marvel plugin. This provides pretty-looking analytics for your cluster, as well an excellent json developer console (formerly known as Sense). Getting this included in the image was a one liner in the :

 RUN cd elasticsearch && bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-aws/2.4.1 && bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/marvel/latest

Ran the new image, and everything just worked (once I figured out how to get my boot2docker VM ip)! Here’s the image on DockerHub: millerpeterson/elasticsearch-marvel-ec2.